Who We Are
Tony Nec
Tony was born in Malawi, southeast Africa, in 1957. His father’s family had a small farm in Poland, His mother grew up in a coal mining community in Scotland. They lived in 3 African countries in aid circles related to agricultural development.
As a teenager, he attended a school in England run by Catholic monks where he first experienced the power of Gregorian chant. While at university in the 1970s, he was inspired by Tibetan monks to participate in a structured meditation program, involving visualisation, mantra chanting and silence.
Tony has a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm Hons) degree from Edinburgh University. He dropped out from researching a PhD in Communications to be an environmental activist.
He co-founded a community energy project sponsored by Shelter Scotland, and then led the development of a network of over 100 community energy projects throughout Scotland as the Director of the non-profit Energy Action Scotland.
Tony joined, and later led, the Urban Centre for Appropriate Technology in Bristol, England, now called the Centre for Sustainable Energy. He then went on to found Sustain, a leading UK energy and carbon management company dedicated to providing cost and carbon efficiencies. Sustain was acquired by Anthesis Group in 2016.
In 2011 he co-founded Wise and Thrive, a global network of associates dedicated to facilitating the emergence of an integral way of being in service to individual and planetary flourishing. Tony is the Principal of The Sound Healing Academy and co-director of The Sound Therapy Shop.
Alongside his leadership roles, Tony has been an active healer, coach and wellness trainer.
Between 1988 and 1991 he studied for a Diploma in Shiatsu and Oriental Medicine in Bristol, England with Keith Philips. He also holds a Certificate in Meta-Coaching from the International Society of Neuro-Semantics led by Michael Hall and a Diploma in Sacred Sound Therapy from the Colour of Sound Institute (now called The Sound Healing Academy) with Rachael Burnett.
He has been involved with the Integral movement since 1995, following the work of Jean Gebser, Ken Wilber, Marilyn Schlitz and Jorge Ferrer, among others. He studied Integral Transformative Practice with George Leonard at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California and Theory U with Otto Scharmer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston.
Tony also studied and practiced intensively over 5 years with Rob Preece, a psychotherapist, artist, Buddhist meditation teacher and author, based in Devon, England.
He has pioneered the development of Integral Sound Healing and Transformation reaching over 10,000 people in 75 countries.
Tony lives on an organic fruit and veg smallholding in Cornwall, England with Jane Satchwell, 2 horses, cats and chickens. He enjoys dancing tango, swimming in clean water and singing in choirs.
Our Vision
We in Wise and Thrive hold the vision that we can change. We can heal, transform and evolve individually and collectively. We can facilitate a shift in consciousness which is already beginning to manifest on this planet.
This shift values our minds while also appreciating the guidance we get from our hearts and somatic experiences.
“Heart connection - love, caring, and being willing to listen and to change is a crucial, key ingredient for us to move forward in a positive way.” ~ Nicholas Hedlund & Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Integral Life, Deep Transformation podcast series: Grappling With The Metacrisis (May 2023)
Our Purpose
Wise & Thrive is developing and delivering global programs to facilitate the emergence of a new way of being and operating in our world. Our programs generate hope by gently leading people through actionable steps that can be utilized for healing and wellness.
Sound is an essential element in all the great wisdom traditions throughout the world. Wise & Thrive draws on that accumulated wisdom, adding neuroscience, epigenetics, psychological and other leading-edge scientific research, resulting in:
Integral Sound Healing
Integral Sound Transformation
Integral Sound Evolution
Healing comes through dealing with physical or psychological imbalances people experience. Symptoms, which manifest in different ways, hold individuals back from experiencing their fullest lives due to pain, physical limitations, emotional issues, and/or trauma.
At Wise & Thrive, we use the integral method to help people reduce pain and function better. We believe that there is an emergence of a new way of operating, a new form of consciousness that is arising on this planet that can be labelled as “integral”.
We are transforming into a new way of operating - a way that is much more integral, holistic, and focused on recognising the value of all mental, emotional, and somatic experience, whilst also appreciating the fullness of life. We are exploring and developing the role of sound-based healing and wellness in the emergence of that transformative process.
Meet Our Team
Tony Nec
Jane Satchwell
Gráinne Courtis
Mark Barnwell
Caroline Reaney